Tag: Myrrh Manz

Paulding FFA Officers Travel to Huntington FFA Leadership Summit

By: Addison Hunt, Paulding FFA Reporter  Recently, seven Paulding FFA officers and Ag teacher Mrs. Staci Miller traveled to Huntington University for the 11th Annual FFA leadership Summit held in Huntington, Indiana. At this conference the FFA officers had the opportunity to learn more about “professionalism and leading from within.” They worked with other FFA…

Paulding FFA Officer Team Attends Officer Retreat in Hocking Hills

By: Addy Hunt  Paulding FFA Reporter   The Paulding FFA officer team this year consists of President Grace Goyings, Vice President Jalyn Klopfenstein, Secretary Brooklyn Schlatter, Treasurer Brooke Kilgore, Reporter Addy Hunt, Sentinel Tori Schlatter, Student Advisor Blake Rhonehouse, Parliamentarian Johnny Lipps, and Chaplain Myrriah Manz, along with Ag Education Teacher and FFA advisor Mrs.…

Paulding FFA Celebrates its 97th Annual FFA Banquet

By: Addy Hunt, Paulding FFA Reporter On Saturday, April 6th, 2024 the Paulding FFA chapter held its 97th Annual FFA Banquet. Several people attended the banquet including community, alumni, and staff members. There were 375 people who attended the banquet. The theme for this year’s banquet was “Glory Days In The FFA.”  Several awards were…

Paulding FFA Members Attend Greenhand Conference

By: Grace Goyings, Paulding FFA Reporter On Saturday, October 21st over 370 first-year FFA members from the state of Ohio gathered at Versailles for the annual Greenhand Conference. Paulding FFA had 5 first year members attend the conference; they were Trenton Bail, Jose Gonzales, Olivia Breier, Mackenzie Leatherman and Myrriah Manz.   At the conference,…