Mrs. Gudakunst was contacted by Angela Teagle, a parent from the school district, about some Navy Recruits stationed at the Great Lakes Naval Station in Great Lakes, Illinois who were in need of some letters. Angela had a relative at Great Lakes who noticed that many recruits from Ship 11 were not receiving any mail…
Tag: Navy
Bolinger Completes Basic Training At The Naval Station Great Lakes
•Navy Seaman Britni M. Bolinger recently completed basic training at the Naval Station Great Lakes, Illinois. She graduated from Navy Recruit Training Command on Friday, July 8, 2016 as part of the TG 35- 8 divisions (243-248, 815 and 935). The formal military ceremony honored the Sailor’s hard work and dedication to a new way…
“Greater love hath no man than this, that a man lay down his life for his friends”
“Randall Smith” called out by Bob Habern. “Randall Scott Smith” The roll call took place in complete silence. Though others responded, Randall does not answer. Bob, District Disabled Veteran’s Commander Chapter 54, calls again, louder this time, “Petty Officer, Second Class, Randall Smith”. After a short delay Sheriff Jason Landers stands and answers, “Petty…
In Memory Of Randall Smith
STATE OF OHIO OFFICE OF COMMISSIONERS PAULDING COUNTY PROCLAMATION Whereas, the United States Navy announced that on July 18, 2015, Navy Petty Officer 2nd Class Randall Smith succumbed to the injuries he sustained in the July 16 mass shooting at the Navy Operational Support Center in Chattanooga, Tennessee; and Whereas, Navy Petty Officer 2nd…