Tag: News

“Lost In My Dreams” – Dear Miss C

Dear Miss C, I usually remember about one dream per night. So, I regularly remember them. But I have a reoccurring dream theme that has come and gone through my life. What does it mean when you dream that you keep getting lost? Like, I will be coming home from school and get lost, even…

Facebook: A Personal Choice

The Nurturing Well by: Jill Starbuck Social media presents the biggest and easiest way to stay connected with other people, whether they are friends, acquaintances, family, colleagues, or others. Of all the social media options, Facebook is the number one choice today. On a monthly basis, approximately 1.44 billion people use Facebook, with an average…

July 9 Issue Now Available

The July 9th Issue of the West Bend News is now available for free at newsstands or download here: http://www.westbendnews.net/2014/WBnews28-14.pdf Either way, the advertisers of the West Bend News appreciate your support!

July 2nd West Bend News Ready for Reading

The latest issue of the West Bend News is now ready to read: http://www.westbendnews.net/2014/WBnews27-14.pdf Or you can pick it up at no cost to you at your local newsstands. The newsstands are updated on Tuesdays and Wednesdays so give it time for your favorite pickup location to be updated.

Issue 20, Now Ready to View

This week’s issue of the West Bend News is now ready to download and view in Adobe Reader or your favorite PDF viewer. View Here Issue 20 – May 14, 2014: The paper edition will begin to be in stores tomorrow and Wednesday.

WBN Expands New Locations for Pick up

Over the past few years the West Bend News has been continually asked to expand to a new area. We have always wanted to, but it has not been an option due to cost associated with expansion. Now the West Bend News is changing its distribution methods and the newspaper will be placed in other…

Latta: FCC Media Study Rightfully Terminated

WASHINGTON, D.C. – Congressman Bob Latta (R-Bowling Green), Vice-Chairman of the Energy and Commerce Committee’s Communications and Technology Subcommittee, today issued the following statement after learning the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) has cancelled its “Critical Information Needs” study, which would have placed federal officials in the newsroom, so the FCC could monitor the news process…