Tag: parade
Oakwood Elementary School is planning a Veteran’s Day Parade for all area veterans on Thursday, November 11th from 10:15-10:35 in front of the school. Mackenzie Leatherman is shown placing a flag in front of the school for last year’s parade. We encourage veterans young and old to come and drive through our patriotic parade and…
Prince & Princess Contest Announced for June 23rd Woodburn Summer Fest
•The Prince & Princess Contest is open to the first three boys and girls ages 4 year old to 6 years old. Candidates and their families collect pennies as votes and the boy and girl with the most pennies collected will be crowned Prince & Princess of Woodburn Summer Fest. All contestants are encourage to…
Milan Center Feed and Grain to Host 13th Annual Pony Parade
•On Saturday, September 16, 2017 at 1:00 p.m, Milan Center Feed and Grain will host their 13th Annual Pony Parade. Area children decorate and show off their ponies, carts and wagons. Last year over 60 drivers and 300 riders ranging from ages 4 to 14 participated in this fun annual event for the community. To…
Harlan Days: Another Great Year!
•It was the 70th Annual Harlan Days Fair that began this year. Harlan Days is known for its full crowds at the Parade, giving away t-shirts constantly and, of course, the famous Harlan Days Grilled Chicken. The main events started on Thursday, August 3 with the Midway Rides starting and the food tent opening. This…
Sherwood Homecoming
•Homecoming at Sherwood took place on Saturday, July 22. Many people from around the area drove over for the parade and the events downtown. Along with the Fire and EMS departments, the veterans came through next, businesses such has Sherwood Bank, Harts Machine shop and several churches, driving a Late 1920’s Ford Model T, were…
John Paulding Days — Another Success
•Sherwood Homecoming This Weekend
•Everyone is invited to the Sherwood Homecoming on Saturday, July 22 from 3PM – 10PM. The event takes place in downtown Sherwood – Sherwood, Ohio 43556. The parade kicks off at 3PM and the games will start sometime after that. Join in the fun by listening to music from the 20’s to present day, playing…
WWII Veterans Needed
•The John Paulding Days are fast approaching us, which means the annual John Paulding Day Parade, and that means choosing the Grand Marshall. In years past, this has always been a big secret with the big reveal being the day of the parade. This year, the Paulding Chamber of Commerce is taking a different route.…
Paulding County Fair Going on Now!
•The Annual Paulding County Fair is going on now with acres of fun. There is a new area in the north section of the extension large hall during the Paulding County Fair Air Conditioned; Speakers for All Ages; Prizes; Free Giveaways Hosted by OSLI Extension Here is the Fair Activities Schedule: Monday, June 12, 2017…
Woodburn to Celebrate The Christmas Season With A Lighted Parade
•There’s definitely a chill in the air…so we’re thinking about the annual Woodburn Lighted Christmas Parade! Mark your calendars once again for what has become a family tradition for many people in our community — the parade begins at 7:00 p.m. on Wednesday, December 14, 2016! Since the first year, the parade has quickly grown…
Homecoming – A Big Win for Woodlan
•Woodlan’s Homecoming was Friday, September 16 against Southern Wells Raiders. The parade started in Woodburn with a remembrance for Cody Osborn as the floats passed in front of Christ Lutheran. He was a junior student at Woodlan who was killed in a tragic Motocross accident in Toledo on Sunday, September 11. Students and parents…
2016 John Paulding Days Parade Winners
•Parade winners were: 1. PCC Library 2. Historical Society 3. Paulding FFA. Honorable mentions to Paulding Putnam Electric Coop, St. John’s Tires, Flat Rock Tractor, Gas & Steam Association, Cooper Farms and Branch Christian Fellowship. About 80 organizations and businesses participated in the parade.