Antwerp hosted the Parkview Sports Medicine 4th Annual All Star game Sunday, April 23rd. These all star players were chosen for their exemplary skills in the sport of basketball. The Hoosier ladies came on strong in the first period on this Sunday game when they scored 19 in the first half, lead by Indiana MVP Rain…
Tag: Parkview
State Patrol Investigating Single Vehicle Injury Crash
Jackson Township – The Van Wert Post of the Ohio State Highway Patrol is investigating a single vehicle injury crash that occurred on State Route 637 just north of State Route 613, west of the Village of Oakwood, in Paulding County. On February 25, 2017, at approximately 11:17 P.M., a 1995 Ford Escort, operated by…
Public Safety Day
•On Saturday, October 1st, there will be a public safety day at the Payne Village Park. There is to be an assortment of public safety related presentations going on. These include: Paulding Putnam Line Safety Norfolk Southern Crossing Safety Paulding County Sheriff Dept. DARE K9 Demo Paulding County Hospital Blood Pressure Checks, etc Ohio State Patrol…
Womack – Ganger
Craig and Jeanette Womack, of Antwerp, announce the engagement and forthcoming marriage of their daughter, Kendra Michelle, to John Edward Ganger III, the son of John and Dessie Ganger, of Antwerp. The bride elect is a graduate of Antwerp High School and IPFW with a bachelor’s degree. She also obtained an Associate degree in physical…
Indiana Dominates State Line All-Star Tournament
•The cross-state All-Star Basketball Classic, sponsored by Parkview Sports Medicine, rivalry took place at the Antwerp High School on Saturday, April 18 with schools from all over Northwest Ohio and Northeast Indiana, sending their top seniors from the basketball season over to this final game. This was started last year by Antwerp Athletic Director, Drew…
Penguin Peddler Donates from Community Givings
•The big news at Penguin Peddler is there have been many donations of objects and articles that were put up for sale since the opening of the store. When sold, the money is then given to charity. The ladies have chosen United Way for this donation. Over $300 was given to Sonya Herber, United Way…
Defiance Patrol: 2 Crashes, 1 Fatality
•Patrol Investigates Fatal Crash Sherwood – The Ohio State Highway Patrol responded to a two vehicle crash at approximately 5:20 PM within the intersection of Buckskin Road and Openlander Road in Mark Township, Defiance County, near the village of Sherwood. A 2006 Pontiac Torrent driven by 53 year old Dawn Murphy of Toledo was westbound…
Paulding County Hospital Collaborates on Electronic Records
Parkview Health adds Paulding County Hospital to electronic health record systemParkview Health and Paulding County Hospital recently announced the two will collaborate in an effort to better patient care and access to medical information through Parkview Community Connect. Parkview’s Community Connect program works to extend electronic health records to independent physicians and hospitals throughout the…