Tag: Paulding County Board of Developmental Disabilities

Paulding County Commissioners Sign PCBDD Proclamation

State of Ohio County of Commissioners Paulding County Proclamation WHEREAS Individuals with developmental disabilities, their families, friends, neighbors and co-workers encourage everyone to focus on the abilities of all people; and WHEREAS The most effective way to increase this awareness is through everyone’s active participation in community activities and the openness to learn and acknowledge…

2024 Paulding County Animal & Me Show

Thursday, June 13, 2024; 10:00 A.M. the Animal & Me show took place at the Paulding County 4-H Fair. Order of Show: Rabbits, Goats, Feeders 2024 Participants: Brady Dunham, Rochelle Clark, Tara Fraley, Jessica Goodwin, Hailey Harris, Grady Helms, Reba Hurting, Eric Jones, Robert Keeterle, Kim Matson, Shenia Mesker, Anna Rickels, Dallas Schuchart, Jonah Sinn,…

Easter Bunny brunch with PCBDD

Come out and enjoy the 5th Annual Easter Bunny Brunch with Paulding County Board of Developmental Disabilities Levy Committee on Saturday, March 10th from 9:00 – 11:00 a.m. It will once again be at PARC Lane Center, 900 Fairground Drive, Paulding. This year we will be adding an Easter Bonnet Judging. For each paid ticket…

Paulding County Board of DD advocacy group meeting

The Paulding County Board of Developmental Disabilities Self Advocacy Group met on Tuesday, February 13, 2018.  They discussed naming the group and were able to come up with a few ideas, but decided to table to vote until more members were present.  The book Stone Soup was shared and the group discussed what they felt…

PCBDD Week of Service: Always There Ohio

The week of July 17-21st, the Paulding County Board of Developmental Disabilities (PCBDD) showed how they are “Always There” for their community by participating in a Week of Service, coordinated by the Ohio Association of County Boards of Developmental Disabilities (OACB). County Boards are celebrating their 50th anniversary and appreciate the strong support from the…