Tag: Paulding County Sheriff

Paulding County Sheriff Adds New Feature To App

Paulding County Sheriff’s Office mobile app has added our county schools to its menu. The new option allows users access to each school’s website and the School Resource Officer’s e-mail. Users can also submit tips for any school related issues. If preferred, these tips can be sent anonymously. The app can be downloaded through the…

Letter to the Editor

Some Paulding County residents will be soon receiving a letter in the mail signed by me.  This request is from the Buckeye State Sheriffs’ Association (BSSA) attempting to seek new associate members.  I am a proud member of this Association. I feel it is imperative to communicate with our citizens and let you all know…

Next PCBW Guest: Paulding County Sheriff’s Office

Listen in to the Paulding County Business Weekly program this week as we discuss the business side of the Paulding County Sheriff’s office with Sheriff Jason Landers.  We cover a little of the history of the jail but get a better understanding of how funding the jail and bringing it back to Paulding County continues…


Ohio Governor Mike DeWine announced $23 million has been awarded to support local and statewide initiatives to improve traffic safety and reduce traffic-related fatalities. Paulding County Sheriff’s Office has been approved for $33,758.46 for fiscal year running October 1, 2021 thru September 30, 2022. To save lives and improve the quality of life for our…

Mt. Calvary Lutheran Helps Paulding County K9

Mt. Calvary Lutheran Church in Antwerp is pleased to make a donation to the Paulding County Sheriff’s Department K9 unit.  The impressive animals in this unit come from generations of dogs specifically bred to perform the complicated tasks that police dogs are required to accomplish. The National Police Dog Foundation states that dogs used in law enforcement…

PRESS RELEASE: Homicide Suspect Perishes

Paulding, Ohio—On Tuesday, October 9, 2018, Paulding County Jail Inmate William R. Miller, II, age 73, passed away due to natural causes in a Toledo hospital. Miller was arrested on May 10, 2018 for shooting his grandson, 19 year old Evan Andrew Holcombe at 15648 Road 1037, Oakwood, Ohio. Miller was facing one count of…

Homicide Investigation Continues

Paulding, Ohio—Information is still being sought regarding the homicide investigation from April 15, 2018 at 7546 Road 87 Paulding, Ohio. Investigators believe the murder suspect, Matthew J. Dempsey, may be driving a 2002 Buick Regal 4 door Tan in color bearing Ohio registration GYR4176. The vehicle is registered to Dempsey. If anyone has information regarding…

2018 Dog Tag Deadline!!! January 31st

As a friendly reminder from the Paulding County Auditor and Paulding County Dog Warden, the Deadline for purchasing your 2018 dog tags is Wednesday January 31st. Dog tags can be purchased at the Paulding County Auditor’s office, online, or mail in the application: http://www.pauldingcountyauditor.com https://www.doglicenses.us/OH/Paulding/ Dog License Application

Students Rewarded For Buckling Up

High school students were given a free McDonalds McCafe coupon if they arrived to school wearing a seat belt. 130 students were reward during the eventat Wayne Trace High School on Tuesday, May 23rd. The event was part of the 2017 Click It or Ticket campaign. The 2017 Click It or Ticket Campaign dates are…

Grover Hill Dare Graduation

The Paulding County Sheriff’s Office D.A.R.E. program held its graduation for Grover Hill Elementary fifth graders on April 19, 2017. Each student was required to write an essay before they could graduate. D.A.R.E. program consist of 12 lessons and the essay gives the students a chance to reflect back on the lessons. Essays described what…

Public Safety Day

On Saturday, October 1st, there will be a public safety day at the Payne Village Park. There is to be an assortment of public safety related presentations going on. These include: Paulding Putnam Line Safety Norfolk Southern Crossing Safety Paulding County Sheriff Dept. DARE K9 Demo Paulding County Hospital Blood Pressure Checks, etc Ohio State Patrol…

Paulding County CLICK IT OR TICKET Campaign Underway

Dairy Queen, Subway of Paulding and McDonald’s all donated coupons for the Paulding County Sheriff’s Office to distribute to students while checking for seatbelt use entering or exiting the county’s school parking lots. This is all part of the Click It or Ticket campaign which runs May 23 until June 6 and sponsored by the…