Tag: paulding ffa

Paulding FFA has Successful Fair Week 

By: Reporter Caydence Rue During the Paulding County Fair, the Paulding FFA had over 80 members participate in a variety of activities from still projects to livestock projects as well as the kickball tournament. This year’s fair was June 11th-18th, with many activities each day. The Paulding FFA had livestock projects in all the barns…

Paulding FFA Holds Annual Petting Zoo

By: Caydence Rue, Paulding FFA Reporter Last Friday, April 29th, the Paulding FFA Chapter held their annual petting zoo with over 800 students and staff attending including Oakwood Elementary and Ann’s Bright Beginnings Preschool.  Over 15 FFA members volunteered to bring in their animals for students and staff to enjoy. The elementary students truly enjoy…

Paulding FFA Realizes Their Goal of Crushing Cans For Cancer

By: Caydence Rue, Paulding FFA Reporter and Shannon Ruschel, Director/WMEA Program Paulding FFA Chapter collaborated with Paulding County WMEA and Kohart’s Salvage to bring to completion a fundraiser that directly benefitted our Paulding Chapter of the American Cancer Society.  On February 14th-25th the Paulding FFA Chapter collected cans at the Paulding High School for their…

Paulding FFA Members Selected as Delegates for Ohio Youth Capital Challenge

By: Paulding FFA Reporter, Carter Manz Paulding FFA members, Jalyn Klopfenstein and Brooke Kilgore have been selected delegates for the Youth Capital Challenge. The Ohio Youth Capital Challenge (OYCC) was designed to get students to make necessary changes in their communities by making new public policies and teaching the delegates about legislation. The OYCC is…

Paulding FFA Celebrated National FFA Week!!

By: Jaylyn McCloud, Paulding FFA Assistant Reporter FFA week was a very eventful and exciting week for the members of the Paulding FFA. The students participated in dress-up days which were picked by the members and other fun activities throughout the week. The Paulding FFA chapter also collected cans for crushing cans for cancer community…

Paulding FFA Holds January Trapshoot Competition

By: Carter Manz, Paulding FFA Reporter On January 22nd, 10 members from the Paulding FFA chapter attended the trap shoot at the Paulding Fish and Game Club.  This was the first trap shoot for 2022 and the 5th for the school year. The members went through the safety precautions with a fish and game member…