Tag: paulding ffa

Paulding FFA Has a Memorable State Convention

By: Sydney Reineck, Paulding FFA Reporter The Paulding FFA chapter had 22 members attend State Convention in Columbus, Ohio on May 2-4. The Convention was held at The Ohio State fairgrounds. The chapter attended many different tours including a whistle factory, as well as a candy-making factory and the equine and dairy facilities at OSU…

Paulding FFA Members Place Top 10 in the State!

By: Sydney Reineck, Paulding FFA Reporter The Paulding FFA had their poultry team compete at the state FFA Finals in Columbus and one individual compete in the equine finals. The poultry team was made up of Kalyn Strahley, Shannon Hale, Kaylie Tressler and Miah Rue, and they placed 10th in the state at finals. The…

Paulding FFA Celebrates its 90th Annual FFA Banquet

By: Sydney Reineck, Paulding FFA Reporter  On Saturday April 14, 2018 the Paulding FFA chapter held their 90th annual FFA banquet.  Multiple members of the community and school board members attended. The banquet was well attended with 310 people. This is an increase from last year, with only 290. The theme for this year’s banquet…

Paulding FFA Petting Zoo A Huge Success!

By: Emma Horstman, Paulding FFA Reporter Last Friday, the Paulding FFA Chapter held their annual petting zoo with over 600 students and staff attending. FFA members volunteered to bring in their animals for students and staff to enjoy. The elementary students truly enjoy this day because they get to pet and interact with livestock they…

Paulding FFA Chapter

By: Emma Horstman, Paulding FFA Reporter The Paulding FFA Chapter was established in 1929 being one of the oldest chapters in the state of Ohio. Throughout its history the FFA Chapter has had many students go on to pursue careers in agriculture. Currently, the Paulding FFA Chapter has over 95 members. The Chapter is lead…

Paulding High School Celebrates 100 Years of Agriculture Education

By: Emma Horstman, Paulding FFA Reporter February 1st, 1918 marked the beginning of agriculture education at Paulding High School. The Paulding Ag Education program celebrated this date 100 years later last Thursday. It all began when Smith-Hughes started and helped fund vocational agriculture courses in schools. The Smith-Hughes act, Section 10 says, “that such schools…

Paulding FFA Officers Travel to Huntington Leadership Summit

By: Emma Horstman, Paulding FFA Reporter Recently, seven Paulding FFA officers traveled to Huntington Indiana for a FFA leadership summit held at Huntington University. President Kalyn Stahley, Secretary Courtney Luderman, Treasurer Kaylie Tressler, Reporter Emma Horstman, Student Advisor Shannon Hale, Sentinel Abbie McMichael, Parliamentarian Riley Noffsinger as well as Paulding’s Agriculture Education teacher,  Mrs. Staci…

Paulding FFA Ag Communication Team is Headed to State

Last week, the Paulding FFA Agriculture Communication team competed at the district level contest at Mohawk. The team is made up of freshman Sydney Reineck, Sophomore Shannon Hale and Juniors Kalyn Strahley and Jennifer Stahl. The Ag communication contest is made up of many different parts. Each student had to take the state online test…

Paulding FFA Travels to the 90th FFA National Convention

By: Paulding FFA Reporter, Emma Horstman During October 24-28, many FFA chapters from across the nation including 13 Paulding FFA members, traveled to Indianapolis, Indiana for the 90th Annual National FFA Convention. The members traveled to Indianapolis, after their school day on October 24th, when they arrived, they enjoyed a nice meal sponsored by the…