Antwerp Chamber Receives 20 Year Member Award from PCED

Antwerp Chamber of Commerce held their first meeting of 2025 on January 15th at Pin-A-Rama Bowling, Diner & Pizza. The year’s budget was approved, event dates were discussed, as well as some new business promoting events. Stay tuned to Antwerp Chamber Facebook page for details about these offerings. Also at last week’s Antwerp Chamber of…

Bids Begin For Use of Allocated Paulding County Brownfield and Residential Blight Funds

The Paulding County Land Reutilization (Land Bank) committee met for the first time in the new year at the county commissioner’s office.     The meeting opened with Estee Blair, representing Maumee Valley Planning Organization (MVPO), sharing that all projects that were allocated funds from the Ohio Department of Development (ODOD) 2023-24 round of residential…

This week on PCBW: Brian Shuherk

Listen this week to the Paulding County Business Weekly podcast, where we hear from Solid Ground owner Brian Shuherk, who shares about the Solid Ground business and all the exciting benefits that they can provide.  Irrigation, landscaping, landscape drawings, and snow removal just to name a few.  Brian shares how this business started in the…

Copsey speaks to Kiwanis

 The Kiwanis Club of Paulding County was privileged to have Tim Copsey, Director (Paulding County Economic Development, Paulding, Ohio)as the guest speaker at the October 31, 2024, club meeting.  Tim came at the invitation of John Daeger (Paulding VFW Post 587, Commander and Fellow Kiwanian).Tim spoke to the Kiwanians about the many benefits of Land Banks in…

Build your Future

Paulding – The Van Wert County Economic Development office will be hosting a “Build your Future” event on September 18th, 2024 at the Van Wert County Fairgrounds. All Paulding County schools are invited to attend this year’s event.  This event will be divided into two sessions – a morning session + afternoon session.  Here’s a…

PC Business Advisory Council Announces Excellence

The Paulding County Business Advisory Council (BAC) proudly announces its recent recognition for excellence, attaining a 2-star rating during a ceremony held on Friday at Terra State by Ohio College TechPrep. In compliance with state regulation, all Ohio school districts and Educational Service Centers (ESC) are required to establish a Business Advisory Council. Ohio has…

West speaks to Kiwanis

The Kiwanis Club of Paulding County was privileged to have Bob West (Area Environment and Public Affairs Manager, Holcim) as the guest speaker at the April 11, 2024, club meeting. Bob came at the invitation of Kristen Schilt (Office Manager, Paulding County Economic Development). Bob spoke to the Kiwanians about Holcim and some of the…

Marketing program partnership helps business

The Village of Antwerp has seen an awesome transformation on South Main Street, where small businesses Antwerp Pharmacy and More than Boutique have found their new home for well over a year. If you’ve been by recently, you have also seen the eye-catching signage on the building that houses the Antwerp Pharmacy. This enhancement is…

This week on PCBW: Rustic Comfort Photography

Join us this week on PCBW as we hear from Jamie Merriman, owner of Rustic Comfort Photography. Listen to how in just a year this local business has gone from conception to taking photographs on a national level. Learn how this local entrepreneur is looking to help with the history of Cecil and the county.…