PPEC returns $2.5 million to members in capital credits

Many Paulding Putnam Electric Cooperative (PPEC) members will see a lower electric bill around the holidays. This month, the local electric cooperative is returning nearly $2,500,000 in prior year margins to over 23,000 current and former members. Eligible co-op members will see a credit on their December electric bill. The money is being returned to…

PPEC Members Donate $13,044 to 8 Local Organizations

Members of Paulding Putnam Electric Cooperative recently donated $13,044 to 8 local charities and community projects through the cooperative’s Operation Round Up program. About 80% of PPEC members round up their electric bill and donate those pennies to this fund, making a huge impact in the co-op’s northwest Ohio and northeast Indiana communities. Participating members…

Elected officials join area electric co-ops on tour of “peaking” gas plant in Van Wert County, Oh

Elected officials learned about power reliability concerns and saw the Robert P. Mone Generating Station in Convoy, Ohio, on a tour with Ohio’s Electric Cooperatives and Buckeye Power on Sept. 29. Buckeye Power is Ohio’s generation and transmission cooperative, providing power to 400,000 homes and businesses served by 24 Ohio-based electric cooperatives. Legislators present on…

Knippen speaks to Kiwanis

The Kiwanis Club of Paulding County was privileged to have Braden Knippen (Youth Tour Delegate, Paulding Putnam Electric Cooperative) as the guest speaker at the August 24, 2023, club meeting. Braden came at the invitation of Randy Price (President/CEO, Paulding Putnam Electric Cooperative). Brayden spoke to the Kiwanians about his trip to Washington DC on…

PPEC members donate $13,152 to 16 local organizations

Members of Paulding Putnam Electric Cooperative recently donated $13,152 to 16 local charities and community projects through the cooperative’s Operation Round Up program. About 80% of PPEC members round up their electric bill and donate those pennies to this fund, making a huge impact in the co-op’s northwest Ohio and northeast Indiana communities. Participating members…

Playground Expected To Be Complete in May 2023!

The new Kiwanis Playground is located at the Lela McGuire Jeffery Park in Paulding  It is designed for all ages and abilities. It is currently under construction, but is scheduled to be completed in May 2023, if the weather cooperates. The Kiwanis Club of Paulding County is the main sponsor of the playground. The supporting…

Hornish speaks to Kiwanis CLUB MEETING

The Kiwanis Club of Paulding County was privileged to have Abby Hornish (Branch Manager, The Union Bank Company) as the guest speaker at the March 23, 2023, club meeting. Abby was introduced by George Carter (CEO, Paulding Putnam Electric Cooperative). Abby spoke to the Kiwanians about the Union Bank remodel of their new location at…

PPEC’s 87th Annual Meeting broadcast, Saturday, March 18

Hear board and CEO updates, meet the new CEO, and $750 in bill credits to be awarded PAULDING, OH — Paulding Putnam Electric Cooperative’s (PPEC) 87th Annual Meeting of Members will be broadcast Saturday, March 18, at 10 am on Facebook, YouTube, and www.PPEC.coop. PPEC members who watch the video and leave a comment during the live premiere will be…

Randy Price selected by PPEC board as next CEO

The Paulding Putnam Electric Cooperative Board of Trustees is proud to announce the selection of Randy Price as CEO, effective April 3, 2023.  Price has most recently been a regional vice president for Cooperative Building Solutions, based in St. Louis, Missouri. Prior to his current position, he served as CEO of Carroll White REMC in…

PPEC Plans for the Future with 5 New Hires in 2022

With the start of a new year and recent staff changes, Paulding Putnam Electric Cooperative (PPEC) is proud to welcome five new employees hired in 2022.  These local employees help the cooperative innovate, grow, and maintain the excellent service PPEC members have come to expect: • Adam Siefker, Apprentice Lineman: From Kalida, OH, Adam is…

PPEC members donate $11,692 to 7 local organizations

Members of Paulding Putnam Electric Cooperative recently donated $11,692 to 7 local charities and community projects through the cooperative’s Operation Round Up program. About 80% of PPEC members round up their electric bill and donate those pennies to this fund, making a huge impact in the co-op’s northwest Ohio and northeast Indiana communities. Participating members…