Paulding Putnam Electric Cooperative has named Erika Willitzer their Marketing and Economic Manager. It’s a move that CEO George Carter hopes will ensure a more competitive business environment and position for economic growth in the PPEC territory. The electric company serves more than 12,900 member-owners in Paulding, Putnam, Defiance, Van Wert and Allen counties in…
Students Win Trip, Visit Washington, D.C.
•Paulding-Putnam Electric Cooperative sends students to visit the Nation’s CapitalJacob Ellerbrock of Leipsic, and Kate Murphy of Cecil were among 40 high school winners from throughout Ohio and West Virginia who visited Washington, D.C. and other points of interest June 13-19 as part of Ohio Rural Electric Cooperatives, Inc.’s Youth Tour to the nation’s capital.…
Storm Related Outages – Be Aware
Down power lines can be still be live and extremely dangerous. Stay away and contact your local Emergency authorities.Paulding Putnam Electric Co-op is experiencing a loss of transmission service to their Herbert Monroe and Monroeville substations which is affecting approximately 1,000 of its members in the New Haven, Indiana area. Crews are working to transfer…