Tag: PTO


Celebrate the spirit of giving this Christmas with the In-School Free Book Shop!  Wayne Trace Grover Hill Elementary School will hold its annual Christmas event called the “In-school Free Book shop” held in the school library for students. It will be held on Wednesday, December 19th. The free book shop is a PTO sponsored and…

Grover Hill PTO Fundraiser a Success

The Wayne Trace Grover Hill Elementary annual fundraiser was a success. The students raised $7,400 for their school this year. This money is used in a variety of ways in the school, from buying classroom supplies to student assemblies and hosting Carnival Day. This was made possible by the students, their parents and community for…

Grover Hill PTO Purchase Books

Grover Hill School music teacher Mrs. Caitlyn Schmidt would like to give a shout out to the school PTO. The PTO purchased The Song Tales Books that are incorporated into the kindergarten, first, and second grade curriculum. The students are excited to read books that are pertaining to songs that they are currently singing.

Breakout EDU Boxes at Grover Hill

The students at Grover Hill would like to say thank you to the PTO for purchasing Breakout EDU boxes.  Breakout EDU boxes encourage collaboration, critical thinking skills, and teamwork in order to “break into” the box. Pictured are the fourth-grade students after completing their first “Breakout”.

New Fibar for Playground

The Grover Hill Elementary PTO fundraiser began Friday, September 1 and ends on Friday, September 15.  All money raised from the PTO fundraiser goes toward paying for assemblies, field trips and reward days.  Staff and students at GHE appreciates the PTO for their assistance in purchasing some much needed fibar for the playground.  This additional…

IN-School Book Shop at Grover Hill

Grover Hill students along with the Grover Hill PTO took part in the Free Christmas Book Shop. The In-School Book Shop was held in the library for 2 days before Christmas, giving all kids the opportunity to shop. PTO moms help students browse the selection of books for all ages of siblings and parents. The…