With the Fourth of July nearing, Phantom Fireworks encourages its friends and customers to be considerate of your neighbors when using fireworks. We often get too caught up in the excitement and entertainment of fireworks lighting up the sky that we forget the noise and lights may have an adverse effect on some people and…
Tag: safety
Chow Line: BBQ Safely: Be Careful when Using Steel Grill Brushes
Avatar Management Services, Inc. (Avatar) welcomed nearly three dozen professionals from nationally renowned airport transportation company, SuperShuttle, for a two-day defensive driving workshop at their corporate offices. For Avatar, this marked the largest LLLC Instructor Certification event in the history of the 26-year-old company. LLLC (pronounced Triple-L-C) stands for Look Ahead, Look Around, Leave Room,…
ACC Pistol Bay Has a New Look
•This past week has seen a significant change in the Antwerp Conservation Club’s Pistol Bay. Safety at the club has always been a priority. To improve the safety at the club’s pistol bay, a new dirt mound wall was installed along the south side of the original bay and the existing north wall was extended…
Antwerp Fourth Graders Learn About Safety at Paulding County Fairgrounds
•Fourth graders at Antwerp Elementary School recently went to the Paulding County Fairgrounds and visited various learning stations: Chemical Safety, Electrical Safety, ATV Safety, Animal Handling & Bio-security Safety, Mower Safety, Farm Equipment Safety, Grain Safety, and Samaritan from Parkview Hospital.
Summer Safety Tips For Grilling
•Propane Gas Grills Safety Tips, Each year nearly 10,000 house fires are caused by propane and charcoal grills… Propane Gas Grill Do’s: Always use the grill outdoors in a well-ventilated area. Have the gas grill a safe distance away from your house when grilling. Always follow all of the manufacturer’s instructions. Keep the cylinder valve…
Fire Safety Week
•Fire week with Sparky Mrs.Beth Bauer and Mrs.Kim Walls’ Kindergarten classes from Wayne Trace Grover Hill Elementary visited the Grover Hill Fire Department in honor of fire prevention week. The students enjoyed climbing in the trucks, getting checked out in the EMS, trying on fire gear, rolling up hoses and visiting Sparky the Fire Dog.…
Public Safety Day
•On Saturday, October 1st, there will be a public safety day at the Payne Village Park. There is to be an assortment of public safety related presentations going on. These include: Paulding Putnam Line Safety Norfolk Southern Crossing Safety Paulding County Sheriff Dept. DARE K9 Demo Paulding County Hospital Blood Pressure Checks, etc Ohio State Patrol…
Ed Bohn Helps Out At RNC in Cleveland
•The Paulding County EMA Director, Edward Bohn, was part of a seven county delegation of EMA directors from the state of Ohio to assist at the Cuyahoga County EOC this past week, for the RNC in Cleveland, Ohio. EOC stands for Emergency Operation Center. Director Bohn served as planning liaison during the midnight shift, on…
400′ Tower Closing Fairground Drive
•A second opinion by engineer will determine safety of the area for the public. Road Closure-Restricted Area Paulding, Ohio—Local officials are taking safety precautions regarding a recent engineering study on the county-owned communications tower located at the west end of the county fairgrounds parking lot located in the Village of Paulding. Paulding Putnam Electric, who…
INDOT is Ready for Winter. Are You?
•Season’s first winter storm to impact northern Indiana this weekendAs part of Winter Weather Preparedness Week this Nov. 15 through 21, the Indiana Department of Transportation on Wednesday detailed its preparations for the upcoming winter season. INDOT today encourages the motoring public to prepare themselves for safe winter travel. “INDOT urges drivers to dust off their…
Woodburn volunteer fire dept. visits Woodburn branch library
•In recognition of Fire Safety Week Monica and Zack from the Woodburn Volunteer Fire Department visited the Woodburn Branch Library Friday, October 9. They talked about what to do if you have a fire at your house and they showed the children all their equipment they wear when they go out to fight a fire. …
Safety First Farm Seminar in Paulding
•Paulding County OSU Extension Office planned a special safety seminar for Paulding County residents. The informative meeting brought people from around the county and taught farms about the potential dangers of grain and how to narrow risks around the equipment and grain. The Friday evening event began at 6:30 pm at the Fairgrounds. Ed Bohn…