By: Stan Jordan I just got back from a trip to Philadelphia to see my old buddy Ben Franklin. All the talk around there is about the coming Revolutionary War. My other old buddy, Juan Valdez, was there also, you know he is the guy that rides the burrow and sells coffee. He is something…
Tag: Sam Rivers
When Is A Beaver Not A Beaver?
•By: Stan Jordan Rex Hurni gave me these pictures of some of the gnawing done like a beaver here on the Maumee River He received them from his granddaughter Laura Miller, who lives down by Delaware Bend. She has seen this animal twice. I have received a number of these reports on damage to the…
The Eagles’ Nest Is Down Again
•By: Stan Jordan We had a bad windstorm back on Thursday, April 6th. The wind was gusting up to 60 mph and in one of these blasts, our eagles’ nest blew down for the second time. It was raining hard then and the water in the river was out of the banks. I don’t know…
The Antwerp Elevator – Mercer Landmark
By: Stan Jordan We are talking about some of Antwerp’s old businesses that are still operating. This week we are talking about what I always called the Antwerp Elevator. In 1886 Bruce Ely purchased an interest in the elevator and together with C.A. Bissell conducted the firm known as Ely & Bissell dealers and Grain…
“Some of Antwerp’s Old History”, and other stories – Stan Jordan
•Old Phrases and Sayings – Stan Jordan
•“The Local Eagles”, and other thoughts – Stan Jordan
•“The Life of C.A. Bissell” and other stories – Stan Jordan
•‘Our Eagles Nest Is Gone’ and others – Stan Jordan
•The New Tanker, and other stories – Stan Jordan
•By: Stan Jordan The above picture is of Antwerp’s new tanker, it will be used in all of Antwerp’s fire district and any emergencies in the surrounding area. The firemen in the picture are left to right: Nick Bragg, Fire Chief Ray Friend, Gale Jordan and Jim Terwilliger. These boys went down to the Atlanta…
Sam Rivers, Indian Agent Chapter 3 – Stan Jordan
The Paulding County Jail A Huge Snowy Owl Sam Rivers, Indian Agent Chapter 3: Still Here at Gothenburg By: Stan Jordan Here we are at the Goatville Pony Express station. We have had rain, sleet and blowing snow since right after noon. We are alright, the express rider (Luke) came in around four hours late,…