Tag: Santa Claus

Wayne Trace Welcomes New STEAM Center Equipment

Wayne Trace Jr/Sr High School students and staff are thrilled about the recent addition to their STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Art, and Mathematics) center, made possible through a partnership with Perry Pro Tech in Fort Wayne. Junior Ryan Parker played a pivotal role in this exciting development. During a fall visit to Perry Pro Tech,…

Santa visits Ann’s Bright Beginners Preschool

Ann’s Bright Beginnings Preschool recently held their annual Christmas program.  They sang several songs and enjoyed cookies and punch with their families.   After cookie time, Santa popped in for a visit!  The preschoolers at Ann’s Bright Beginnings would like to wish everyone a very Merry Christmas!

Santa Claus Is Coming To Town!

There has been multiple sightings of Santa Claus making stops in towns and villages all over the West Bend News readership area. From Bryan to Van Wert and Woodburn to Oakwood, Santa has been a busy person in the past few weeks! He’s taken the time to talk to hundreds of children and listen to…

Another Great Merry And Bright Parade

On behalf of the Paulding Chamber of Commerce, thank you to everyone who attended the Merry and Bright Christmas parade on Tuesday, November 28th. The event was full of community cheer, tons of lights, an awesome parade, and creative parade entries. Of course, we can’t forget the man of the hour, Santa Claus, made an…

Letters to Santa

Do you have a question for Santa, a favorite story to share or maybe something special to ask for? Now is your chance to write to him! It’s safe to say that Santa is very busy this time of year and the sooner kids get their letters or wish list to him the better. With…

Santa Claus Came to Town

Santa Claus rode into Grabill on Saturday, December 17 on the back of the old Fire Department Truck. This year Santa and his helpers gave away Snickers and oranges from the Grabill Chamber of Commerce and books from the Allen County Public Library. All of this took place in front of the Grabill Hardware.