Tag: Sheriff Jason Landers

Kiwanis welcomed members of Paulding County Sheriff Office

The Kiwanis Club of Paulding County was privileged to have Sheriff Jason Landers and his fellow officers,(Paulding County Ohio Sheriff’s Office),as the guest speakers at the January 30, 2025, club meeting. Sheriff Landers and his staff came at the invitation of Matt Miller,(Assistant Prosecuting Attorney, Paulding County). Sheriff Landers and his fellow officers spoke to…

Deputy K9 Cooper Retires

The Paulding County Sheriff’s Office is celebrating K9 Cooper’s 10th birthday, as well as his retirement. Cooper was purchased with a generous donation from the Cooper Family Foundation. “I remember when Caleb and I went to pick out this dog. We discussed how fitting to name him Cooper in honor of the Cooper Family Foundation.…

Letter to the Editor

Some Paulding County residents will be soon receiving a letter in the mail signed by me.  This request is from the Buckeye State Sheriffs’ Association (BSSA) attempting to seek new associate members.  I am a proud member of this Association. I feel it is imperative to communicate with our citizens and let you all know…

Kiwanis talks Tactic

Kiwanis member Corey Walker introduced fellow member Sheriff Jason Landers. Sheriff Landers introduced the department’s new technology to identify drugs. Tactic ID is a safe, and secure way to identify potential hazardous substances, whether liquid, solid, powder, or pill. When dealing with fentanyl, or carfentanil officers have the risk of inhaling the substance which could…

The Jail Levy Passes!

It’s been quite sometime since the “new” Sheriff Office and Jail was opened. This year after the general election there is a breath of fresh air at the local law enforcement facility in Paulding. Sheriff Jason Landers stated, “I felt it would prevail by a couple hundred votes.  Never in my thoughts did I think…

The Paulding County Jail

By: Stan Jordan I visited the Paulding County Jail the other day, and I was impressed with the appearance, inside and out. It was very neat and well organized. Maybe I better slow up,  that was the sheriff’s office that we visited. The incarceration area is well organized with double bunks and tables for 14…