Tag: Suicide


Let’s just address the elephant in the room. Mental health and suicide prevention are a rarely spoken about subject, until it’s a necessity. The unfortunate note is that once it’s a necessity- we may already be in danger.  This year our county has suffered significant loss in this area. But the reality is, this is…

Know the warning signs of suicide

By: Jennifer Dempsey, Prevention Specialist, PASS September is National Suicide Awareness Month. In 2018, 1,836 Ohioans died by suicide and in 2019 suicide was the second leading cause of death in Ohio residents aged 10-34. These statistics prove how important it is to be educated about the characteristics and warning signs of suicide.  So many…

Suicide: The Proverbial Elephant in the Room

The Nuturing Well by: Jill Starbuck Recently, headlines shocked millions of people by announcing the death of Robin Williams. Perhaps most startling is the way he died. Suicide forces those left behind to deal with complex emotions, including confusion, anger, sadness, and guilt. Suicide grief can last for years with no resolution. Suicide has long…