St. Paul United Methodist Church in Payne, Ohio is planning a chicken barbecue on Saturday, August 19th from 5:00 – 7:00 p.m. Menu includes: Quarter chicken, scalloped potatoes, green beans, roll and butter, dessert and beverage. Carryout and delivery will be available. For delivery call: 419-263-3017 or 419-786-9223. The barbecue will be cooked by Pickett…
Tag: United Methodist Church
GriefShare Seminar
•New Haven United Methodist Church, 630 Lincoln Highway East, (Door 3), New Haven, IN is hosting GriefShare, a 13 week series beginning Tuesday, August 29, 6:30-8:00 p.m. GriefShare is a special weekly seminar and support group for people who are grieving the death of someone close to them. For more information, call church office: 260-749-9565.
Lest We Forget
•By: Stan Jordan In a couple of days it will be July 20th, 2017. It has been 10 years on the 20th of July about 7:00 in the evening that three of our EMS squad were fatalities of an accident while on duty, along with two patients. They were transporting two people to the Paulding…
Freedom Celebrated at North Scipio
•In recent issues of the West Bend News, it was reported that there is a new monument to the fallen heroes and the veterans of the United States of America Military. On Sunday, July 2, a ceremony took place honoring those serving the country. “For God and Country” started the ceremony with the prayer by…
25TH Anniversary
Mr. and Mrs. Jeff Pieper of Paulding will celebrate their 25th wedding anniversary on June 27th. Jeff Pieper and Anne Kelly were married on June 27, 1992 at the Paulding United Methodist Church. They have two children, Mikayla Pieper of Westerville, OH and Bailey Pieper of Paulding. The couple plans to celebrate their anniversary with…
Veterans Memorial Coming To North Scipio
•Why do you dig a hole 36’ deep and fill it with concrete in the middle of the North Scipio United Methodist Church yard, make it hard to mow around and cost time and money . . . if it isn’t a worthy project and God isn’t in it? To honor all veterans who have…
Never Forget!
•The flagpole is up! The flagpole was put up by hand at the North Scipio Community Veterans’ Memorial on April 22, 2017, to proudly display the American flag and honor our veterans and our country. The 26-foot tall flagpole is made of aluminum. Bracing was welded to the bottom and then bolted by hand to…
Doe-C-Doe Meets At Antwerp UMC
•Doe-C-Doe met on Sunday, October 30 at 3:00 p.m. at the Antwerp United Methodist Church. Members elected new officers. They are (listed from left to right) Secretary- Katie Oberlin, Reporter- Heather Oberlin,Treasurer- Josh Sukup, Vice President- Eli Moliter, President- Jared Sukup,Health and Safety- Izzy Meyer and Recreation officer- Alex Lehmam. Their next meeting will be…