Tag: Wayne

Kipker – Feasby

Cassandra Lynn Kipker and Cody Stan Feasby along with their parents, Keith and Kari Kipker of Payne, OH and Stan and Ann Feasby of Antwerp, OH wish to announce their engagement and approaching wedding. Cassandra is a 2008 graduate of Wayne Trace High School and is employed at the Woodburn Veterinary Clinic. Cody is a…

Fort Wayne Newspapers Promotions!

Kevin Lentz accepts promotion at FW Newspapers Effective June 30, 2015, Kevin Lentz has been promoted to the position of Circulation Director for Fort Wayne Newspapers. Kevin joined Fort Wayne Newspapers in 1982 and during the past 33 years has held several positions in the circulation department. These include District Sales Manager, News-Sentinel Home Delivery…

Memorial Day Weekend Events

Memorial Day Events in Payne: The Reuben S. Smith Post 297 Payne American Legion will host a Memorial Day celebration on Monday, May 25, 2015. At 7:00 a.m. the annual breakfast begins as does the firing salute to veterans at the cemetery. The parade, including the Wayne Trace Marching Band, will begin at 9:30 a.m.…

Antwerp softball takes a loss to Wayne Trace

The Lady Raiders of Wayne Trace played the Lady Archers on their home field on Tuesday, April 21st. Antwerp was the home team because of a last minute location change. This change was a disadvantage for Antwerp allowing Wayne Trace to use the home field advantage and clinch a win for their high school softbal…

Celebrating a Life Well-Lived

By: Ottawa Hills Local Schools Superintendent Dr. Kevin S. Miller, former Paulding County resident You didn’t know Steve Hall. Actually, he crossed some of your paths years ago, but it was a blip on the screen—you didn’t even notice. He was a member of the Wayne Trace baseball team back in 1986. That was one…


Victoria Cook, senior at Woodlan High School received the surprise of her life when representatives from the Community Foundation of Greater Fort Wayne visited her calculus classroom when she was taking a test. They presented her with the 2015 Lilly Scholarship Award! Victoria will use the full tuition scholarship to attend an Indiana college or…

Antwerp Wrestling Club Results

The Antwerp Wrestling Club recently competed at the Wayne Trace Tournament on March 28, 2015. All 15 of the Archer participants were able to place in the top 4 of their respective weight classes on their way to a 5th place team finish as well. Placing 4th on the day were Griffin Kosch, Racer Nicely…

Wayne Trace HS cheerleaders earn 1st at Americheer Internationals

The Wayne Trace Varsity Cheerleaders recently traveled to Orlando, FL for the AmeriCheer International Cheerleading Competition. They competed in the Small Varsity Non-Mount Traditional division. After the 2-day international competition, the girls earned a 1st place rating. Pictured here are (l-r) Gabby Gudakunst, Alex Fast, Courtney Mead, Mackenzie Swary, Monique Goings, Ally Dunning, Jessica Offerle,…

Linder Breaks Record Against Edgerton

The record has held since 2004It was a great night for games on Tuesday, January 13. Edgerton boys travelled to the Palace for the boys basketball game, entering the competition with a 5-3 record. Wayne Trace came away from their first loss against Napoleon on Saturday, putting their tally at 7-1. The first half was…