Payne All-Stars won the Annual 8U All-Star Softball Tournament in Paulding. The 1st place Winners received bicycles sponsored by Porter’s BP, LLC.
Tag: westbendnews
Paulding County initiates Drive Sober or Get Pulled Over Blitz
•The Paulding County Sheriff’s Office will provide extra road patrol through Impaired Driving Enforcement Program’s Drive Sober or Get Pulled Over Blitz. Deputies will be working the roadways between August 21 through September 7, 2015. Funding had been provided through grant monies awarded by the Ohio Department of Public Safety’s (ODPS) Ohio Traffic Safety Office…
Broughton Redneck Jamboree was Jammin’
•This is the 10th anniversary for the annual Broughton Redneck Jamboree set right in the center of town. It seemed as if the whole town turned out on such a pleasant Saturday evening. The festivities took off with a balloon release of about 300 balloons. The flag raising was then conducted by veterans Dan Wilder,…
2015 Harlan Days Raffle Winners!
•The Harlan Days Committee is happy to announce the 2015 Harlan Days Raffle winners. Again this year, over 2,500 raffle tickets were sold and we were able to give away the 2015 Chevy Spark! The following are this year’s winners: 1st – Chevy Spark – John Alexander (pictured) of Monroeville 2nd – 40” TV –…
Water Tank Raising in New Haven
•Wessler Engineering worked with the City of New Haven, Indiana on a tank raising project at their Ryan Road water storage tank. Project Stats: Tank Capacity – 500,000 Gallons Tank Diameter – 56 Feet Original Tank Height – 135 Feet New Tank Height – 179 Feet Date Raised – May 28, 2015 Height to Overflow…
Fossil Fascination!
•Ann’s Bright Beginnings Preschool and Daycare recently welcomed Mrs. Tara Miller with her fossil collection. We saw many fascinating fossils and had a great time finding our own fossils in the parking lot! Shown here with Mrs. M are (in front) Noah Lucas, Levi Fisk, Mason Guttierrez, Mason Smith, Lincoln Lucas, Levi Athy, William Fritz,…
Antwerp Day in the Park 2015
•Postal Service to Issue Elvis Presley Stamp
•Elvis Presley will be commemorated on a Forever stamp as the sixth inductee into the Postal Service’s Music Icon Series. “Elvis is a natural addition to our Music Icon Series,” said Postmaster General Megan Brennan. “His life and talents are an incredible story. Spanning from his humble beginnings in a Tupelo, Mississippi, two-room house to…
“A Little on One of our Servicemen” – Stan Jordan
The Maumee River Raft Race; The Lobo Tank BustersThe Lobo Tank Busters By: Stan Jordan We returned to the rail-yards at Dijon today. It is a very busy place as the Germans are fleeing before Patton’s troops and they’re loading up the material on flat cars and heading east. We shot up everything that we…
Fighting Too Much? – Dear Miss C
•Dear Miss C, I haven’t been married very long and I’m surprised about how much we fight. It didn’t seem like we fought this much when we were not married. When I talk to my other married friends, they seem to all be like, “Oh fighting is good for the marriage, it means you are…
Lifetree Discusses Ways to Invigorate Life
•Practical tips for adding meaning and purpose to life will be explored at Lifetree Café on Thursday, August 13th from 7:00-8:00 p.m. The program, titled “Stuck in a Rut? Get Unstuck… One Step at a Time,” features a filmed interview with Kenyon Easton, a man who began a coast-to-coast walk across the country in April…
Antwerp and Grover Hill Elementary School Class Lists 2015-2016
Antwerp Elementary School Class Lists 2015-16 school Year KINDERGARTEN: Mrs. McMichael KA – Gage Barker, Carter Baumert, Alyvia Bell, Anabelle Bidlack, Alia Clem, Aaden Friend, Brayden Fuller, Taylor Hogans, Noah Lucas, Alyssa Phillips, Allison (Allie) Rice, Clara Rohrs, Weston Woodby, Kora Zuber Mrs. Kennedy KB – Hudsyn Bagley, Wyatt Cline, Chloie Evilsizor, Gabriella Gross, Ryder…
Wayne Trace Cheerleaders win 2 Grand Championships at State Fair
•The Wayne Trace Raider competition squad competed at The Ohio State Fair. The ladies won two Grand Champion trophies for the day. They won Grand Champion of the small squad non mount division and Grand Champion for receiving the highest score over all 23 squads competing for the day.