Tag: Years ago in Paulding County

Years Ago in Paulding County

By: PAULDING COUNTY HISTORY MUSEUM 20 Years Ago From the Paulding County Progress of March 16, 2005: For the first time in four years, the annual Crippled Children and Adult Society Basketball Marathon will return to its original home at Payne Elementary School. This year’s event is the 27th benefit and will feature about 86…

Years Ago in Paulding County

By: PAULDING COUNTY HISTORY MUSEUM 40 Years Ago From the Paulding Progress of Feb. 20, 1985: What has been termed by some as “the worst snow storm since the blizzard of ’78” had Paulding County under a snow emergency Wednesday through Friday last week. A spokesman for the Paulding County Sheriff’s Department, where the emergency…

Years Ago in Paulding County

By: PAULDING COUNTY HISTORY MUSEUM Christmases Past From the Paulding Democrat of Dec. 26, 1878: Tuesday, Dec. 24, the coldest night we have had this winter. Thermometer marks 11° below zero. Several canal boats have cast anchor in the port of Antwerp, and will lay here during the winter. Board of Health Notice: There being…


By: PAULDING COUNTY HISTORY MUSEUM 40 Years Ago From the Paulding Progress of Nov. 14, 1984: Most of the work on replacing Five Span Bridge near Junction is complete. ODOT expects to open the bridge possibly the day before or after Thanksgiving. Stokely’s Finest Foods, Oconomowoc Canning Company, announced the appointment of Alan Griffiths as…

Years Ago in Paulding County

By: John Paulding Historical Museum 40 Years Ago From the Paulding Progress of July 18, 1984: A bronze plaque will be placed on the Paulding County Carnegie Library building during ceremonies July 22 at the library. The plaque honors the placement of the building on the National Register of Historic Places as the first county…